Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Piping Plovers Plan Procreation In 3D

The Turnip
Blackbeard Island, Georgia
March 8, 2011

A group of Piping Plovers announced today that they plan to present the 2011 breeding season in 3D. 

Looking tanned and well-rested on the coast of Georgia, Pepper, a 3-year-old female shorebird, spoke on behalf of the group. "Between the lovely summers, and laidback pace, PEI is a great spot to raise a family. Combine that with strong conservation efforts, and we decided to give something back: our upcoming season will appear in rich, high-def 3D".

The announcement culminates months of planning between the birds, local nature groups, and high-end binocular manufacturers.

The birds' season will feature courtship displays, adorable chicks, and the occasional broken-wing display, all in a crisp resolution that approximates IMAX 3D, widely considered the gold-standard by technophiles.

Pepper beamed, "This is a fantastic marketing opportunity to move beyond our ornithologist base. If we can lure home theatre enthusiasts off the couch, and out onto closely-supervised viewing patrols, it's a win-win."

[Photo credit: Wikipedia]

1 comment:

  1. this is so interesting..where will one be able to see this?
    RJD,from away
